
Full-Service aktivplus

Outsourcing / Interims-Partner


Blue-Consult is outsourcing & interims active partner

public bodies / organizations / companies

for environmental protection and sustainability marketing


Als Outsourcing Partner entwickeln wir Unternehmensstrategien und Konzepte, die Unternehmen und Organisationen Umwelt-Transparent machen. Dies kann, Umwelt revitalisierend, entscheidende, nachhaltige Wettbewerbsvorteile bringen!

Not only from an ecological point of view, but above all from a business point of view, they underline their consistency in terms of environmental protection and environmental revitalization with us as their partner. Based on a procedural point of view, Blue-Consult develops outsourcings with an integrative concept that enables environmental protection aspects to be included in all individual decisions and steps of outsourcing. We examine the design conditions and make recommendations in the form of decision-relevant trend statements based on decision criteria and influencing factors.

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public relation



Strategien für Umwelt revitalisierende Projekte

Blue-Consult stages environmental projects

Blue-Consult is the first actor worldwide to actually advertise the topics of marine protection, coastal protection, climate protection, environmental protection as an environmentally healing cultural project for a referendum. We are happy to advise public bodies, municipalities, government circles, parties, corporations and public figures on ways to actively participate in order to give the faded topic of the environment a new meaning.

This is where creative artists, scientists, politicians, CEOs, architects, entrepreneurs and public figures from all over the world meet to plan and implement environmentally healing projects together.

Blue-Consult ist ihr Partner, mit dem sie umweltheilende Strategien unter Einbeziehung kultureller Projekte kompetent und zuverlässig planen und realisieren können. Dies eröffnet ihnen vollkommen neue Perspektiven in privater und geschäftlicher Hinsicht.

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Sachverständiger & Gutachter

event security

Risk analysis


Expert & appraiser - event security

Sachverständiger & Gutachter für Architektur, Bauplanungen und Bauausführungen von Hochbauten

Expert & appraiser for steel and metal construction, shipbuilding, facades, windows, doors (preventive fire protection / escape routes)

Evidence Preservation Procedure

Defense against imminent danger situations

Specialist coordinator for quick repair of structural damage

Technical coordinator for flawless building acceptance

Evaluationen im Bau,- und Vertragswesen

Amicable settlements before or during court proceedings

visitor security

Leitung und Aufsicht von Klein,- und Groß-VeranstaltungenBeratung und Unterstützung bei der Planung bzw. Realisierung von Besuchersicherheitsrelevanten Techniken und Raumplanungen Von Einzugsbereichen, Besucherleitsystemen, Straßensperrungen, Security, Fluchtwegregelungen, Evakuierungspläne, Polizei, Sanitätsdiensten usw. Versammlungsstättenverodnung (VStättV) 2012 – 2017 und die DGUV Vorschrift 17 § 15 (ehemals BGV C1 und GUV C1

Protection goals of the MVStättV 2012 and 2017


event security

Creation of drawings for events (AutoCAD)

Bühnen,- und Veranstaltungstechnik

Beratung und Unterstützung bei Genehmigungsverfahren für Veranstaltungen und Nutzungsänderungen

Management and supervision of small and large events

Our employees are TÜV-Nord-trained specialists for visitor and event security


Risk analysis

Security concepts, analyses, reports, statements, evacuation concepts

Approval procedures, land use and seating plans

Hazard analysis / risk assessment, development of protective measures

Traffic planning for events

Extensive traffic planning, traffic control system, media hotspots

Barriers (breakwater) planning with site plan (assembly planning)

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Blue-Consult - Full-Service

Blue-Consult offers a full service that includes all relevant areas from research to series production

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